The new construction of the S07 Fürstenfeld motorway is being designed and implemented as a high-ranking road connection between the A02 southern motorway and the border to Hungary at Heiligenkreuz. In the course of the construction of this motorway, noise protection and collision protection walls will be erected in many sections. On behalf of Asfinag Baumanagement GmbH, convex ZT GmbH is carrying out the execution design and tender preparation of these noise protection and collision protection walls.
The total length of the processed walls is approx. 4,000 m with a height of up to 4.0 m above the upper edge of the carriageway. Due to the new construction, a large number of interfaces with other parties involved have to be taken into account during the design, such as the coordination with the open-air and bridge planners. The specifications from the environmental impact assessment carried out in advance for the new building project must be taken into account. The architectural master plan of the architects ARGE BPS Bauchplan / Strehle must also be implemented.
Asfinag Bau Management GmbH, Austria
Riegersdorf – Dobersdorf
4.000 m / 4 m
ARGE BPS, Asfinag